2017 by J.P. Kallio This weeks song will bring to and end the third year of songs. That is 156 songs in 156 weeks! I still remember the fear of taking on the 52 song challenge on in the first…
2017 by J.P. Kallio This weeks song will bring to and end the third year of songs. That is 156 songs in 156 weeks! I still remember the fear of taking on the 52 song challenge on in the first…
Lucky by J.P. Kallio Have you ever been told how lucky you are? Lucky because where you were born? Or maybe it is your health? Lets face it, we are all extremely lucky that we are alive, that we have…
A Good Peek by J.P. Kallio With this weeks new song “A Good Peek” I continue on my theme of observing and trying to make sense of what is going on in the world right now. We have always had…
Light up the way by J.P. Kallio The best way to explain this weeks song “Light up the way” is to tell you about the writing process. It was a late enough when I got back from my regular Saturday…
Too late to cry by J.P. Kallio When I wrote this weeks song “Too late to cry,” some of the worries I had were just a probability. Now it has become a reality… I am genuinely worried about how we…
Waiting for the sunrise by J.P. Kallio This weeks new song “Waiting for the sunrise” tells a story of a someone on a journey to discover their true calling in life. I am sure many of us have have been…
I ain't turning back by J.P. Kallio You guys should know by now that I am all about living your life to the fullest and going after what ever it is you are passionate about. But at the same time,…
Apples Don't Fall Too Far by J.P. Kallio The funny thing about history is that it tends to repeat itself. That is not only in the history books, but also in our personal life’s. Too often we end up repeating…
Best Things by J.P. Kallio Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a life that some how just does not feel yours? That you feel like you are working so hard, just to pay the bills? I think…
Heart on the line by J.P. Kallio One of the biggest pains in my life has been watching some one dear to me, who are very talented, being undervalued and disrespected in their work environment. I know I seem like…