Vlog 48 Warsaw by day and night
We made it twice in to the town in one day, so I thought this was a perfect opportunity to give you a flavour of Warsaw by day and by night 🙂 Over the years I have grown to love…
We made it twice in to the town in one day, so I thought this was a perfect opportunity to give you a flavour of Warsaw by day and by night 🙂 Over the years I have grown to love…
Continuing on the subject from yesterday, as the extra weight started to drop, noticed a natural desire to exercise more. For years now I have done some sort of weight routine, but this time I got organised. I like using dumbbells,…
This vlog starts with a few shots of an old railway bridge in Ostrolenka. This bridge dates back before world war two, and it has been used in several WW2 films. Then we hit the market in Ostrolenka, as I…
Back in May, it was my fortieth birthday, and as I would imagine it being quite natural, I did take stock on my life. I realised that I had a quite few more years left, but to make the best…
Ostrolenka is a small enough city in Poland about, 120km north of Warsaw, and very few tourists make their way to this town. Due o the fact that my girlfriend is from there, I have had the pleasure to visit…
As we are heading into the new year, I will recap on some of the “game changers” from my past year. These are things that have had a big effect on my life, productivity, work and happiness. The first one…
This one is a weird one, so I had to share it with you. Apparently the thing to do amongst the young people on the evening of Christmas day after spending all day with the family, is to go to…
So here we go, this is the very last blog update of 2015. And what a year it has been! Anyway, I’ll be reflecting on the year gone by more on the vlogs in the coming week. But yeah, 2015…
In the first part of this vlog I take you along to my last run of the eight week of the 5k runners app, which is the 5k run 🙂 My question now is, whats next? 10k? Then the most…
New Year by J.P. Kallio This song is about not being scared of the unknown, of the future. This song is about appreciating what we have right now. It is about honesty, about being honest with yourself. It is about…