Time Takes Its Toll
Time Takes Its Toll by J.P. Kallio None of us can live our youth forever. Sooner or later we need to move on. Now in the world where we live in these days, that “move” can be bigger than what…
Time Takes Its Toll by J.P. Kallio None of us can live our youth forever. Sooner or later we need to move on. Now in the world where we live in these days, that “move” can be bigger than what…
This is the last one in my series of New Year motivation quick tips. If you followed the past three quick tips, we talked about using new year as a fresh start, we decided to get organised and made a…
So little bit of a back story. My girlfriend is going to be having a birthday at the end of January. As we live in Ireland and her sister live in Poland, they won’t see each others for the actual…
Today’s vlog might not have the most interesting story, as we were only visiting friends. But I did adventure out on a run in the morning in -14 C. I had hoped to film some time-lapses at the end of…
It I so easy to try to do hundred things at the same time, and not really get anything done in the end. Often our workspace ends up being a mess, as much as the work we try to accomplish….
Me and Peter sent our ladies on a day of shopping and gladly took on the baby sitting duties. The day was not exactly the most exiting story, but at the same time I got to address the fact that…
New year is a perfect opportunity to clean the slate of all the crap we ended up carrying with us the year before. Figure out what works, what does not and what you should concentrate your efforts on. I know…
Here is what we got up to on New Years eve. Some friends of ours invited us into their house as an alternative to getting babysitters for Piotrek and Viola’s kids. I honestly love those kids, and much rather spent…
This was the day before new years eve. I am filming these as we go, but the edits are usually few days behind, just to keep a little bit ahead of the game. We start this vlog with a shopping…
If there is anything I learned about promoting music in 2015, it is the importance of YouTube. You know one of those tips everyone tell you over and over again, and eventually your stubborn mind figures out you actually should…