Sweat pumping out of me
Vlog 215 Sweat pumping out of me In today’s vlog I take you along for my morning run. Then I talk about this weeks song “Live to fight another day,” which talks about domestic violence. Read the full blog post…
Vlog 215 Sweat pumping out of me In today’s vlog I take you along for my morning run. Then I talk about this weeks song “Live to fight another day,” which talks about domestic violence. Read the full blog post…
As sometimes is inevitable, after working so hard I eventually crashed 😀 The alarm when on at 7.15am I hit the snooze and the next thing I knew it was 11am. I rarely do this, and when I do, it…
The first part of today’s vlog is dedicated to running. It was a glorious morning and I took my camera with me. Running has become a life line for me in a very short space of time. It gives me energy…
Continuing on the subject from yesterday, as the extra weight started to drop, noticed a natural desire to exercise more. For years now I have done some sort of weight routine, but this time I got organised. I like using dumbbells,…