Why do we doubt our heart?
Why do we doubt our heart? Do we not trust it to do the right thing? Logic is much easier to justify, but it hardly ever takes us out of our comfort zone. It hardly ever is the path to…
Why do we doubt our heart? Do we not trust it to do the right thing? Logic is much easier to justify, but it hardly ever takes us out of our comfort zone. It hardly ever is the path to…
So we have committed to fresh start and getting organised. Now it is time to make a plan. What is it that you want to achieve in 2016? Be realistic, but at the same time ambitious. Know your limits, and…
New Year by J.P. Kallio This song is about not being scared of the unknown, of the future. This song is about appreciating what we have right now. It is about honesty, about being honest with yourself. It is about…
The New year is here and I am back in Dublin. Call me crazy, but my apartment is freezing… I only heat the bedroom and my office when I am recording there. The living room/ kitchen is cold… I live…
Do you ever make new year’s resolutions? Do you ever keep them or stick to them? We all know January is the hay day for the gyms and health and fitness clubs. People sign up for a membership and already…
2014, 52 weeks or 365 days, 8760 hours or 525,600 minutes. Four albums and an EP, 52 songs, 230 blog posts, 19 videos. 1000 cups of coffee 😉 As the sun sets on this wonderful year I got to share…