October 4, 2015

4th October Blog update

It’s hard to take it in that it is October already. It’s Saturday night as I write this. I am just back from The Porterhouse, where our show with Sliotar was slotted between two rugby matches. Now I have a…

Upside down business model

Yesterday I heard some rumours about an industry showcase / festival here in Dublin not paying the artists for their performances. The artists are expected to do it for the “exposure.” Unfortunately my landlord does not accept “exposure” for rent……

Quick tip 190 Improve yourself

Any sensible business should try to improve their product all the time. Music business is no different, and nowhere else is this more evident than in the independent music business. So you should work on improving your product at every…

What would you do next?

In the early hours of Monday morning I contemplate the future. The city is slowly waking up around me, and it looks like we are going to have another nice day here in Dublin. As you might know I am…


It’s another sunny day in the beautiful island of Ischia. I am drinking my morning coffee overlooking the bay of Napoli. Down below Ischia Porto goes about its daily business. Even though I am high up on a hill, the…

Quick tip 181 Clear your mind

Most independent musicians suffer from an information overload. We are being offered information from every direction, some of it good, some people f it not so. You need to become good at filtering the information provided, but it can be…