July 13, 2015

12th of July Blog update

It’s a cloudy overcast day in Dublin, but still warm. It feels like there is a thunder-storm on the way. But then again,  that feeling has lingered around for few days now. We have a house quest for the next…

Quick tip 128 Be positive

With so much uncertainty you are faced with, when you choose the path of a professional musician, it is extremely important to be positive. Be positive in every situation, even when things go wrong. You need to cheer on your…

28th of June Blog update

It has been a week of sunshine and cloudy hot weather in Dublin. I managed to get a bit of tan on Tuesday afternoon while chatting about social media with Rory on the roof top of Melosity‘s office. We also…

Self-made critics

How can you criticise something, if you were not there. In the past I have been hesitant to post video of Sliotar’s live shows, as what does not come through in the video, is the energy of the live experience,…