19th of June 2016 vlog update
Vlog 217 19th of June 2016 vlog update This was a week of highs and lows. But at the end of the week reflecting back on it, the highs definitely out weighed the lows 🙂 From time to time events…
Vlog 217 19th of June 2016 vlog update This was a week of highs and lows. But at the end of the week reflecting back on it, the highs definitely out weighed the lows 🙂 From time to time events…
Live to fight another day by J.P. Kallio On this weeks song I am going back to what I have been told I am particularly good at, which is telling stories. This weeks song is a story song, with an…
Being a great musician requires the ability to work through what ever a live show throws at you. Things will go wrong, and you need to improvise. You need to be able to keep a cool head and just pretend…