June 3, 2015

Everyday art

Art for many of us is a lifeline, it’s what make our mundane everyday life’s just that little bit easier to deal with. Good art can let us escape, make us feel things through the art, we might not be…

Quick tip 107 Innovate

Us musicians spend way too much time looking for the latest music promotion hack online. Sure there are tried and tested methods out there that you need to learn. But to look for that next innovative way to promote your…

Long live the festivals

The regular readers of my blog know I like to keep things quite positive around here, but once in a while something gets up my nose. Music journalism is a funny field, good journalist in my mind is someone who…

Quick tip 105 Be present

Online presence is a two-edged sword. You need to be present to be real, you need to talk to people, not just have a one way conversation with your self that you expect others to comment on. But at the same…

Quick tip 104 Radio

Radio play is one of those magical ingredients in the business. Traditionally new bands were made famous through radio. Today things have changed a lot. I suppose I was part of the generation, who started to slip away from the…