October 3, 2014

The Call

This week’s song “The Call” is a title track from the next album. Once again the wonderful Matthew Gillian helped me out in the production of the track. I was a bit lost while trying to decide which way to…

Take Me As I Am

I often thought why do we have this underlying need to somehow chance the person we are in relationship with. I think I’ve seen more relationships over the years go down the drain due to this, than anything else. Instead…

On His Way To Hell

One thing that was a bit of a shock to the system to a young man barely out of his teenage years moving from Finland into Dublin was the presence of drugs (yeah, I was blue eyed back then). I…

Call off the Angels

Welcome to the fourth chapter. The third one “Tell My Darling” came out earlier in the week and now we turn the page and continue onwards on our journey. Big thanks to those of you who purchased the album, you…


So here we are, another album comes to an end. Once again sharing these songs with you guys have been amazing experience. I’d say I might be getting teary eyed, but as usual, behind the scenes, I am already working…

Close To The End

This week’s song “Close To The End” just tells you that sometimes songs come from the most peculiar places. A few months back someone asked me on Twitter if I had ever written a song about tacos. So I took…