Knocked Down
Read Between The Lines by J.P. Kallio Last Christmas I got a lovely percent from my grandfather. He has been getting in to computers in the past few years, making videos and restoring old photos. He had scanned, and enhanced…
Read Between The Lines by J.P. Kallio Last Christmas I got a lovely percent from my grandfather. He has been getting in to computers in the past few years, making videos and restoring old photos. He had scanned, and enhanced…
Read Between The Lines by J.P. Kallio When I share my story, people somehow feel more free to tell me about things that has happened in their life’s. Personally I love being able to do that, as I know how…
It’s been one of those weeks when my “todo list” just seems to grow even when I am working my backside off 😀 But never the less we are getting somewhere. Sun has shown us the first signs of the…
Once again I got some music recommended to me through Twitter, keep ’em coming 😉 I was completely new to John Moreland’s music few weeks ago, so after checking out few tracks online, decided to purchase his latest album “In…
I am just back from one of my bands Boneyard Bastards rehearsals. It has been a busy, but productive week. First of all the new album “Read Between the Lines” that is coming out on the 10th of June is…
A few months back I got a recommendation on Twitter to check out Chris Knights music. We seem to have lots of places for discovering new music these days, Spotify being a big one, Soundcloud one of my favourites and…
It’s just past 9am on a Tuesday morning. I’ve been awake since 6.15am, but honestly alert since 6.30am. The first 15min is just slowly coming around time. I am a musician, songwriter, dyslexic blogger. But if you look at my…
Read Between The Lines by J.P. Kallio If you had a chance to read my this weeks “Update blog” You know I got the new album finished and sent to the distribution. So the countdown for the 10th of June…
Another week roll by like freight train in the night, all you hear is the subtle click of the joints of the tracks. I allowed my self to take some time off past Monday as it was a bank holiday…
Sometimes I feel almost guilty writing about music that I fall for straight from the start. Willie Watson’s debut solo album “Folk Singer Vol.1” is an album that I as a musician can relate to quite a lot. It’s just…