Better Man
Better Man by J.P. Kallio We all messed things up somewhere along the way, no denying it. And if you try to tell me you haven’t, well then you haven’t lived life. Relationships are complicated at the best of times….
Better Man by J.P. Kallio We all messed things up somewhere along the way, no denying it. And if you try to tell me you haven’t, well then you haven’t lived life. Relationships are complicated at the best of times….
I reviewed Ben Reel’s previous album in the past HERE. Now Ben had a new album out Earlier on the year and I would like to share with you this great song, and video filmed on the streets of Dublin….
Love Is What We Need by J.P. Kallio In the past week the world watched horrified at the picture of a three-year old Aylan Kurdi washed up on the beach in Turkey. He came from Kobani, in Syria, which has…
No one said it was easy by J.P. Kallio When we think of relationships dying, we often think of bad break ups, big fights, plates smashing. But as often as that is the case, also many relationships die a long drawn…
Good Old Songs by J.P. Kallio I ask you to not take this weeks song “Good Old Song” too seriously, as I did write parts of it with tongue on cheek. There are some fantastic songwriters around these days, and…
It’s a cloudy overcast day in Dublin, but still warm. It feels like there is a thunder-storm on the way. But then again, that feeling has lingered around for few days now. We have a house quest for the next…
Today I want to share with you a true talent from Dublin. This gentleman is as Dublin as Dublin gets. There is raw purity in the singing and songwriting of Jem Mitchell. Here is a musician who has been around…
Who am I to You? by J.P. Kallio We flow from day-to-day, more out of convenience than anything else. We are used to each other’s company, and even though what we had in the beginning is very different from what…
This one is one of those songs few years back I would not have written. It just shows how writing a lot of songs can help you break out from those mental limitations we set for our selves. It is…
I know you probably are starting to worry about my mental health, “not another dark song!” But here’s the thing, I like digging deep in to those dark moments in life, where we are forced to rethink our life. To…