We all have an artist within us
I strongly believe we all have an artist within us. An artist first needs to learn a skill. I long ago stopped believing in” natural talent”. Some of us might be better at picking up those skills, but all of…
I strongly believe we all have an artist within us. An artist first needs to learn a skill. I long ago stopped believing in” natural talent”. Some of us might be better at picking up those skills, but all of…
So you think you are an artist? You write songs? Great. Now let me set some ground rules. As an artist you are a window, that reflects the world and whats going on in it. It is your job to…
People will doubt you. They will doubt what you do. Sure you don’t have a real job. You only work a few hours a day. Ever heard of anything like that? As a musician, or an artist of any kind…
I write songs all the time, that’s no secret anymore. Along the way I have been asked several times how can I write so much. Well, you see, as I mentioned so many times before, a lot of it has…
I was talking to a fellow musician and a long time friend of mine last week. He has been working on a new project for the past few months. The type of music is very specific and only listened to…
As artists we are looking for validation. I think is just the human nature to feel the need to be validated. We want people to recognise us, notice us, to make us feel like what we do is real, like…
Art in it self is a peculiar thing. Even though it can be a physical product, the process of creation is almost as, if not even more important. It is in the moment of creation where years of practice, honing…
Dear Spotify (and other music services, but for the rest of the article I’ll just mention Spotify just to simplify things), I am a converted fan. I am a full-time musician, so when it comes to my music, I need…
In the twenty first century music distribution and consumption has gone through changes that would have been unthinkable in the past. At the beginning of the last decade of the last century I remember saving money to be able to…