Quick tip 157 Know your limits

J.P.s Quick tipFew days back I was up in the Wicklow mountains climbing a one tough peak. I knew I was pushing my limits. I was strap for time as well as I knew I had a show to do that night back in Dublin. The peak was still too far for me to reach and make it in time (and safely) back down. But as always, there was a lesson lurking in there as well:-)

And this lesson is particularly important in music business. Know your limits. Whether this is financial, or to do with your skills, always know when to stop and turn back. I am not talking about giving up here. What I am talking about is making the very best of what you have on that given moment. Learn from it, and return back another day to give it another go.

Let me give you some real life examples. If your record is running late and way over in budget, figure out where your priorities lay. Is it more important for you to get the record in time, or delay it and finish recording the album to the best possible standard you can. I have done both in the past, and I must say now listening back to those albums, I am equally proud of both of them. You see if you really want to do it, you work with what you got and you make the best of it.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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