Up earlier than my mind would like to think. On an early morning ferry on my way to Tallinn. It’s been a while, in fact way too long since I walked the streets of the Old Town. I have friends to meet, places to visit and songs to sing. I am sipping coffee in the bar. All my travel companions are fast a sleep. The boats entertainment team are running an early morning bingo. I was never good at sleeping while on the move. I guess I am exited about the days ahead as well. The two hour ferry crossing from Helsinki to Tallinn seems to fly by. The ferry is quiet at this hour of the morning, which suits me fine. The €50 I payed for the return trip seems to be much for people who do this trip regularly, but for me it is a great deal. I suppose it’s all relative. I can see the harbor of Tallinn from the window, it’s time to go and face another adventure 🙂