Vlog 110 The value of time
In today’s vlog I get little bit annoyed about other people wasting my time 🙂 I’m sure you know by now that I am a patient man, but this is one thing that gets my blood boiling from time to…
In today’s vlog I get little bit annoyed about other people wasting my time 🙂 I’m sure you know by now that I am a patient man, but this is one thing that gets my blood boiling from time to…
Right so, it’s been some time now since we talked about coffee in my vlog 🙂 So when the first parcel arrived to my new address, I knew we had to do a coffee review. The good people at www.mariasole.co.uk…
Oh the pleasure of knowing you don’t need to get up first thing in the morning and start carrying stuff 😀 I actually had time to sit down and properly film something for a change. Usually Wednesday vlogs (filmed on…
After four exhausting days it was finally time to say goodbye to my old home. It was mixed emotions, which I was not really expecting. But this house was the base where I started this journey and many more adventures….
Friday was a day I had been waiting for few months now, but I was also realistic about the fact that this was going to be a tough weekend. And I won’t lie to you, it has been tough… I…
This week I am going to keep this short and sweet. I am in a middle of moving, two days done and two more to go before I finally hand over the keys. I am shattered and sore at the…
So the day had finally arrived when I had to pack my trusty old studio for the move. It definitely did feel strange as I have recorded so much music in that room. But now it is time to move…
The pressure was on to get this weeks and next weeks song sorted before I had to pack up my studio. I could feel the pressure as well 😉 But I was not going to give up on the song….
Believe it or not, we have had some sunshine here in Dublin. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still freezing cold, but sun just somehow cheers you up a bit 🙂 We have had some great sessions lately in the Porterhouse,…
100th vlog! How did that happen? I am filled with so many emotions that I can’t even start to try to explain where to get started. First of all I am proud that I have made one hundred vlogs. I…