Vlog 120 Golden sunset over Dublin
This vlog was filmed last Thursday. Any day when I am super productive is a good day for me. This day was a great day 🙂 In the beginning of the vlog I walk you through the process behind posting…
This vlog was filmed last Thursday. Any day when I am super productive is a good day for me. This day was a great day 🙂 In the beginning of the vlog I walk you through the process behind posting…
It’s been a while since I sat down to write this weekly blog/ vlog update and I wasn’t exhausted or rushing 😀 The move finally is starting to be behind us and the new place is starting to look nice,…
So in today’s vlog I take you along with me for my morning run, deal with a sideways growing beard, share with you a quick fix I came across to do with the Zoom R16, I clear up some confusion…
So the studio was up and running and it was time to put it to the test. Today’s vlog is my usual studio day vlog, which in the past has come out on Wednesday, but as I have had so…
Today’s vlog is a continuation into what I started yesterdays vlog, which was setting up my studio. It is getting functional and looking good. And hopefully in tomorrow’s video we actually get into recording 🙂 Brian also asked me to…
The time had finally arrived to set up my studio 🙂 I know few of you have been waiting for this one. This is going to be a two part vlog. In this first part I go through some of…
In today’s vlog I once again talk about songwriting and the importance of building a consistent routine and your surroundings. After over two years of writing, recording and releasing a new song every week, I believe I know a thing…
As usual, Monday vlogs are all about what I got up to during the weekend. This weekend consisted me building flat pack furniture, unpacking and playing shows with Sliotar in The Porterhouse. It was also Des’s birthday on Friday. For…
T he past few weeks have been so crazy that I completely feel like I lost the concept of days. It feels bit surreal that we are already a week into March! We still have some unfinished business with the…
Remember how in yesterdays vlog I was annoyed about other people wasting my time? In todays vlog I actually found my self with some spare time in my hands and did a fair bit of work on my new website….