Quick tip

Quick tip 67 Gear v Tone

Here’s one I need to remind my self all the time 😀 Stop buying more gear! Sure thing you need a quality instrument, and if you are a touring musician you need a backup. But don’t get new instruments mixed…

Quick tip 66 Photographs

Today’s Quick tip is linked with today’s blog post, which you can read HERE. A great photograph is a fantastic promotional tool, no doubt about it. If you have enticing photograph, the chances of a blog featuring you will definitely…

Quick tip 65 CD’s

We all have heard the news, CD’s are on the way out. The good old record shops are struggling. Those magical plastic discs we were told you could even wash when they first came out seem to be heading for…

Quick tip 64 Promotion v spam

Here’s a quick one that so many musicians and bands still get wrong. There is nothing wrong in reaching out to people online. In fact, you need to do this to build your following. But as with everything, first impressions…