Quick tip 114 Focus on the right thing
“How do I get as many people to like my band’s page on Facebook?” Ever heard anyone ask you this? Or have you ever been advised to build large following in Facebook? I just googled “How to get more Facebook…
“How do I get as many people to like my band’s page on Facebook?” Ever heard anyone ask you this? Or have you ever been advised to build large following in Facebook? I just googled “How to get more Facebook…
“I just want to play music” I hear you say. Recently there was an article looking in to music business and especially PR in music in one of the major newspapers in Ireland. The article pointed out how “not every…
I’ll simplify this for you. The most powerful free form of advertising is content marketing. In the past year and half I have put it to the test, and can I tell you it really does work. Many musicians might…
Some of you are on top of your “whats hot in the tech” and already know about Periscope. Some of you might have heard about it, but that’s about it. And some of you might have no idea what it…
Have you ever searched the net for interviews of your favourite artists? You wanted to hear their thoughts, their views and their stories. True fans rarely just settle for the music, even though it is important. We want to know…
If you are one of those artists who claim you don’t have influences, and that your music is truly original, I’ll be here telling you that you are fooling your self! How did you learn to play your instrument? I…
Us musicians spend way too much time looking for the latest music promotion hack online. Sure there are tried and tested methods out there that you need to learn. But to look for that next innovative way to promote your…
Online presence is a two-edged sword. You need to be present to be real, you need to talk to people, not just have a one way conversation with your self that you expect others to comment on. But at the same…
Radio play is one of those magical ingredients in the business. Traditionally new bands were made famous through radio. Today things have changed a lot. I suppose I was part of the generation, who started to slip away from the…
Yesterday we talked about scheduling posts on Facebook. Twitter is a much different animal. Many of you know I prefer Twitter much more over Facebook. Twitter seems to be more organic. People are much less hesitant to join a conversation…