Music promotion

Success v Money

Let’s talk about success for a bit. And even though this is relevant to pretty much any form of art, I’ll concentrate here in the music business. I get tired and annoyed when people try to measure my success by…

Lonely soldier

Lonely solder on a battlefield can be a dangerous thing. Not because he is going to take on an army on his own, but because everyone will underestimate him. And the longer he is left on his own, the more…


What comes to your mind when you think about [insert your favourite bands name here]? I’m sure the first thing that pops up is an image of some sort. We think the music is the most important thing, and sure…

Value yourself

As a musician, especially at the grassroots level, it can be a lonely place. What many people looking at us perform rarely see the all too common put downs behind the scenes. It hard to convince people that what you…

Tidal v Spotify

So the new streaming service in town is Tidal. It was started by a company in Sweden called Aspiro, but purchased very early on the game by Jay Z’s company Project Panther. The idea is that the audio quality is…