Vlog 104 Studio in a box
So the day had finally arrived when I had to pack my trusty old studio for the move. It definitely did feel strange as I have recorded so much music in that room. But now it is time to move…
So the day had finally arrived when I had to pack my trusty old studio for the move. It definitely did feel strange as I have recorded so much music in that room. But now it is time to move…
I was trying to resurrect Brian O’Shea’s lovely Japanese Squire Telecaster. I have done loads of these before, but something just did not go right 😀 Might have something to do with the stress of house move 😉 But I…
What’s become by J.P. Kallio This weeks song talks about one of the dreaded killers of a relationship, time. We are so worried about all the other stuff, infidelity, loyalty, the excitement, security, that we miss the most dangerous element,…
The pressure was on to get this weeks and next weeks song sorted before I had to pack up my studio. I could feel the pressure as well 😉 But I was not going to give up on the song….
Believe it or not, we have had some sunshine here in Dublin. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still freezing cold, but sun just somehow cheers you up a bit 🙂 We have had some great sessions lately in the Porterhouse,…
100th vlog! How did that happen? I am filled with so many emotions that I can’t even start to try to explain where to get started. First of all I am proud that I have made one hundred vlogs. I…
As the move is getting close, we decided to visit IKEA, the good old Swedish furniture giant. We wanted to do the sensible thing and actually just do a planning trip, not buy anything yet. It makes more sense to…
This week was all about getting stuff finished. We are getting the keys to our new apartment next Friday, so I have a long list of stuff that needs to be finished before that. I did manage to get finished…
Studio can be a bit of a black hole for time. When you really get into a tune, you forget all about the time, tweaking every little detail of the track. And that is exactly what happened to me today…
Ok it is no secret, I am not a big fan of anything that gets on the way of my creative process. Unfortunately cleaning the house is one of those things 😀 And I haven’t yet made it to the…