Why my bands Facebook page does not reach people anymore?

facebook-254165_640 Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you! I have talked about the importance of your own website and mailing list on numerous occasions. I have a feeling this will be something I need to bring up again and again as some people seem to be quite resilient to the truth. Sure our band has a Facebook page! Why would we pay for a website, when there is this platform that gives us a free page and an opportunity to interact with people? Well… The thing is that Facebook always had and always will have the power to change things without asking you, or anyone else for that matter. And now they have gone and done it. There has been a massive algorithm change (May 2014) in the visibility of the posts on your band page. This means, if you think you can promote your event, music or video for FREE on Facebook, forget about it. Those days are now officially gone. The reach of your posts on your page will be somewhere around 1-2% of your over all following. My personal tests have turned out actually closer to 0.5%. There is also been talk about Facebook cutting the pages organic reach to zero in the future.

I can see you banging your fist on the table, shouting “This is stupid!” Well… Sorry to repeat my self, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. Facebook is in it for one reason and one reason only and yes you guessed it right, to make money. Why you thought they were there to offer a free service for your band to promote your music? Bit like Myspace? But what about the years you have spent building your following? I wrote a blog post in an old blog of mine back in 2010 about the importance of your own website, social media sites come and go… Well actually they don’t, people who use them come and go. No matter how many blog posts we read about the popularity of Facebook dropping, don’t get fooled, it makes for a good press… Facebook is the biggest social media site in the world. And it has more monthly active users than the three next competitors put together. It is not going anywhere! And just because your band can’t get its voice heard through the noise of nine hundred million monthly users, it does not mean Facebook will die…

So what do you do then? Look for the next hot social media site? Make new home and start building new following? NO! ( imagine me shaking my head in frustration ) You hopefully finally take my advice seriously and decide to get your own website and mailing list. Facebook still works extremely effectively as a promotional tool, or advertising network, just not for free.


The author J.P. Kallio is a singer songwriter
To get two of his free songs go HERE and click Download


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