Heart on the line

One of the biggest pains in my life has been watching some one dear to me, who are very talented, being undervalued and disrespected in their work environment. I know I seem like an easy going nice guy, but there is an underlying stubborn kid in me, who is ready to rebel against anybody who try to tell me what to do. In my youth I did not know how to channel that rebellious spirit, but I am getting better at it 😉 And it has definitely been a driving force in my career.

So if you are stuck in a dead end job that you hate, but you believe it is all you know, let me question your faith. Let me ask you, in fact let me beg you to look outside the box. What is it that you really want to do? And what would it take to make it happen? I mean you probably work hard everyday, so how hard would you work if the thing you actually work on would be something for you? Here is a famous quote from Thoma Edison, which I love:

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas A. Edison

So question what you know, dream big and believe that you can build your own life the way you want it to be. This is the way of the people who went on to change the world, but all you need to do is change your own life 🙂

Once again, the song is available to download right now from my Bandcamp page HERE. Name your own price, and if money is tight, just put $0.00 on the price and you are good to go 🙂 If the song resonates wth you, or some one you know might benefit from it, please share it wth them. And thanks for listening, you guys rock!


The author J.P. Kallio is a Singer-songwriter and a daily vlogger
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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