24th of July 2016 Vlog update

Vlog 252 24th of July 2016 Vlog update

I am writing this weeks vlog update in Moravia, which is in the eastern part of the Czech republic (although the video was filmed in Plzen.) We are in a middle of Sliotar tour. Today is a day off at a wonderful celtic festival calls the Keltska Noc. As we are staying in a cabin at the festival grounds, for two days the festival stage provides our background music.

As the touring can be hectic and even our days off are full of meet and greets, I will keep this short and to the point. This week I was on a mission to share as much beauty with you guys as I could. I felt the need to contribute something positive to the news overflow of a very disheartening week. So I hope in some small way I managed to do that. So lets get straight into it.

This weeks song “Helpless and hopeful” is about not loosing hope when we feel helpless with humanity. As always, you can download the song from my Bandcamp and please, if the message hits home share the song with the world:

Helpless and hopeful

I started the week with an Instagram mission capturing some of Dublin’s street art:

Dublin street art Instagram mission

Here is how I serviced my frets on my guitar before the Sliotar tour. This is not the way to do it!

What I am about to do, you should not do

I had a small problem with the bank…

The bank took my money!

When the sun comes out in Ireland you got to make the most of it. We headed over to the Sutton beach, where I was wondering if I was the wittiest thin on the beach 😉

Am I the whitest thing on the beach?

The other bonus of sunny days is that Ireland can have some amazing sunsets:

Amazing sunset!

While my guitar was on its way to Europe with the rest of the Sliotar equipment, I got to test out Brian’s Yamaha:

Testing out Yamaha LLX6A

And that’s it for this week. As usual before I let you go,  just a little bit of house keeping.  If you enjoy what I do and want to support me, please consider supporting my Patreon campaign. Patreon is a great platform that connects the makers of the art with their audience directly. And by supporting your favourite artists directly, you make sure the artist can keep on making art in the artists terms, not some rules set out by record label big shots, or book publishers to make the art bland enough to try to please every one, but in the end not really fulfilling anyone. If you want to be part of my support system, check out my Patreon page HERE.

And as of tomorrow we get into the tour vlogs, so stay tuned 🙂


The author J.P. Kallio is a Singer-songwriter and a daily vlogger
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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