11th of September 2016 Vlog update

Vlog 301 11th of September 2016 Vlog update

I only realised the date and the significance of it after filming the weekly update, as obviously I film them day, or sometimes few days before. It’s hard to take in that its been fifteen years singe the 9/11 attacks on New York. I still remember how time just seemed to freeze and we all got glued to the TV screens for like two days. And in those moments it was hard to vision the future, but here we are. Obviously all our thoughts are for ever with those lost in the attacks and their families.

It has been a crazy busy week for me trying to get everything done before the trip, so lets get straight into it. I’m trying to compress these weekly updates, so hold on to your hats 😉

This weeks song “Boarding Call” is up on my website and available to download from Bandcamp. Thank you for all your messages, this one seem to have hit home. Check it out here:

Boarding Call

Vloggers problem, running out of hard rive space. But watch out before you trust the salesman…

Don’t get fooled by a salesman

We had some of our friends over from the States, and they came to see Liberty Hell in The Porterhouse:

Liberty Hell and Georgia Tech fans | Dublin

It was a rainy day, we tried to make the best of it… Oh yeah, and check out what my girlfriend found while looking for a bag:

Lovely soft Irish day | Dublin

The Central Band of Ireland has gone for sale, here’s what I think we should do with the building:

Central Bank of Ireland is for sale, what should we do with it?

In the usual Friday fashion, I talk about this weeks song, but I also take you to the Merrion Square:

Merrion Square | Dublin

Vlog number 300!!! This really does feel surreal. Here is what I learned from the experience:

What I learned from posting 300 vlogs

And that wraps up the week. Just the usual bit of house keeping, before I let you go. If you enjoy what I do and want to support me, please consider supporting my Patreon campaign. Patreon is a great platform that connects the makers of the art with their audience directly. And by supporting your favourite artists directly, you make sure the artist can keep on making art in the artists terms, not some rules set out by record label big shots, or book publishers to make the art bland enough to try to please every one, but in the end not really fulfilling anyone. If you want to be part of my support system, check out my Patreon page HERE.

And lest not for get that we have some serious travel vlogs on the way next week 🙂 Stay tuned, and thanks for watching, reading, sharing and subscribing!


The author J.P. Kallio is a Singer-songwriter and a daily vlogger
To get EIGHT of his songs for free go HERE


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