April 30, 2018

Monday Motivation

When the dawn breaks and a new week begins, we search for hope, purpose and Monday motivation. The weekend is gone and we look forward to the next one. For some archaic reason, we feel like this a new beginning….


2017 by J.P. Kallio This weeks song will bring to and end the third year of songs. That is 156 songs in 156 weeks! I still remember the fear of taking on the 52 song challenge on in the first…

Have a little faith

Have a little faith by J.P. Kallio I talk about this weeks song in a vlog, which you can check out HERE, but I get quite deep into the subject of songwriting. I’ll try to focus more on the actual…

Don’t give up just yet

Don't give up just yet by J.P. Kallio In this week’s new song “Don’t give up just yet” I talk about dreams. I talk about how we let the excuse of “life” get on the way of trying to accomplish…

Quick tip 256 Fresh start

New year is a perfect opportunity to clean the slate of all the crap we ended up carrying with us the year before. Figure out what works, what does not and what you should concentrate your efforts on. I know…