Blog posts

19th of April Blog update

I’m writing this week’s Blog update in Poland for a change ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s one of my many “runaway and hide from the world locations”. If you haven’t had a chance to visit Poland yet, I highly recommend you will do…

12th of April Blog update

Ever feel like you’re rushing around like headless chicken, but still barely get everything done? Yep, that kind of sums up my week. I know for most of you it sounds like every one of my weeks ๐Ÿ˜€ And for…

15th of March Blog update

The world is about to go green! And I don’t mean environmentally (I wish…), I mean the St. Patrick’s day is almost here. For the past few days I watched truck after truck stock up the pubs around Temple Bar…

1st of March Blog update

It feels bit surreal writing “March” in the tittle… But what a start to the year we have had.  This week I finally finished the recording and mastering of my new album. I decided to delay the launch after all…

Polite refusal

After nearly twenty years of playing in bars it still amazes me how many people see musicians as some kind of “jukebox”. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go on a rant about how people don’t “get” musicians. But what…