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Italy part 2. Rome

I have so much great things to tell you guys about Italy. I could tell you about the wonderful flavours of gelato, but I am sure you have heard about it, or even experienced it yourself. I could tell you…

Cold Ground

Cold Ground by J.P. Kallio Deep down we all look for acceptance and validation. We all have that one person in our life who we look up to. Someone who’s opinion matter to us. This can be a mentor, a…

Right place, wrong time

Yesterday I was having a dinner in a restaurant I the Ischia Porto. We went to a restaurant recommended to us by the staff in our B&B we are staying in. It was a lovely seafood restaurant, right next to…


It’s another sunny day in the beautiful island of Ischia. I am drinking my morning coffee overlooking the bay of Napoli. Down below Ischia Porto goes about its daily business. Even though I am high up on a hill, the…