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My trusty old Musima

Ok, I have a quite few guitars, and I always swap and trade instrument. I am a guitar nerd, I love them! But there is a one guitar that a lot of people ask about, mainly due to the fact…

Vlog 12 String change

Here’s a new Vlog. I know I said this before, but I am thinking (well… more like planning, writing down ideas, and already shooting a small bits of video) of doing more of these. So I thought while I change…

Quick tip 211 Keep moving

All the planning in the world will not get you anywhere without action. I am a strong believer in execution over excessive planning. I did not start this blog by having a massive content plan. I just wanted to have…

Vlog 11 Blogging

In today’s vlog I decided to talk a little bit about blogging and what it takes to blog as much as I do. I share with you some of my tips and try to give you and idea what the…