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Vlog 173 Thank you in Finnish

In today’s vlog I talk about this week’s song “Tonight’s the night.” You can check out the song at: I also talk about running, my knee injury and my new running shoes. And we finish up the vlog with…

Tonight’s the night

Tonight's the night by J.P. Kallio After several weeks of pretty deep relationship songs, I thought it was time to lighten up the mood. In a way this is a song about a relationship as well, but a very different…

Vlog 171 Digging deep

As is the case most Wednesdays today’s vlog is a studio vlog. This one is a big one and it is filled from start to finish with a lot of tips and info. But also as always is lets you…

Vlog 170 Making folk music sexy

As I already mentioned in yesterday’s vlog, it is a bank holiday weekend here in Ireland, and as a result I had avery lazy weekend. As a result yesterday’s and today’s vlog’s are random vlogs. So hope you enjoy this…

Vlog 169 Random Sunday

Today’s vlog is another random vlog. The weekend kind of flew by and I did not get up to much. But on Sunday we made it to the St. Stephen’s Green once again to check on the progress of the…

Tangled up in dreams

Tangled up in dreams by J.P. Kallio Today’s new song is almost like a photograph. It is a moment in an argument. When I usually tell a story in a song, it comes from somewhere and ends somewhere. But this…